Saturday, August 13, 2011

Jackson's Golf

This Summer Nana enrolled Jackson in golf clinics at The Practice Tee taught by his private instructor Dennis Alberts. I was off from work one morning and showed up a little early to see what Jackson was learning in class. On this particular morning Denny had someone come with their equipment that tracks the velocity, head speed and distance of the golf clubs and balls. I was able to get some nice video of Jackson's golf swing.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

First Day of 5th Grade

Anthony holds up the "PEACE" sign as I take pictures on his first day of school at BASIS Oro Valley. He's so excited about his new classes, having a locker and most of all not having to wear a uniform to school.

Today Anthony was a little bit nervous and really excited for school to start. He's a 5th Grader at the middle school and the teachers have made them hit the ground running! Tomorrow he'll have a Math assessment test to see which Math class he will be in. He's so excited about his Classics/Latin and Science classes. He has 7 class periods which include Classics/Latin, Math, Language Arts, Art, Science, Geography, and PE. He's ready to learn about Greek Mythology and "burn things" in Science. :-)

Anthony is trying to prepare his clothes in advance and he neatly folded and selected outfits for the week and put them away in his old "uniform drawer" in his dresser. He knows that he'll have a lot of homework and work at night but he's ready for the challenge. He also wants to add extra curricular activities such as Flag Football, Basketball and Tennis to his already very busy schedule.

Tomorrow is his first full day of school so we'll see how he fares and how tired he is when he gets home. We'll also get to see if his level of enthusiasm is just as high tomorrow as it was today. Fortunately he has quite a few friends at school already as many students from his 4th Grade year switched over to BASIS with him.

The younger kids don't start back to school until the 24th so they are still in fun mode while Anthony has had to switch gears back to school mode. But I'm prepping the younger kids already and they know that Monday-Friday they are all "unplugged". No TV and video games at night. DS ONLY if all of the chores and homework is finished. And Computer is only allowed if it's school related. We are such mean parents around here. :)