Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The kids were bored with me today!

Instead of wasting a ton of gas after taking the little one to school this morning, I brought the boys back home to spend the day with me while I worked. I know, BORING! We had to be back at the house by 9am to let the "bug man" for the quarterly spray and I had to log into work by 11am. So we get home and the boys are famished! So they had a small snack and after the bug man leaves, I heat up leftovers for them to eat. They ate and then played for about a hour and half and then I allowed them to play and watch TV before nap time.

So I log in for work and when it's nap time, I tell them to brush their teeth and go lie down. "But it's not bedtime" I hear from one and "I already brushed this morning" I hear from the other. Hellllooooo, I'm trying desperately to save your teeth so you have them for a LONG time through adulthood. Grrrr. Anyhow, they lie down and 45 minutes later they both come out of the room stating they can't sleep. So more playing, Lego building and TV watching. Then middle boy comes back to my office and says he's soooooooo bored. I take a break from work and I get him started on coloring and doing activity books. I tell the older one that after his show he is to grab 5 books and start reading. Another hour and half later they are finished. Middle boy has cut and glued his masterpieces on a piece of notebook paper...making a book for all of us...AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Older one has finished all 5 books and is giving me the "soon to be 2nd grade version" book report on them.

Of course I'm still working, DH isn't home and DD isn't coming home tonight because there's no point in Nana driving all the way out here when the boys don't have school or camp tomorrow morning. So I have NO other activities planned for the boys. I decide to have them help me make stove top popcorn and allow them to each pick a movie to watch. Bummer, I can't watch it with them but they are cool with watching it together and eating their snack. 6pm hits...my dinner hour and again they are FAMISHED. So I make them some dinner and they eat dessert, I have to go back to work and they are off to play. DH is home, they are happy because mom is sooooo boring to be home with. Then it's shower time, teeth brushing and bed.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for them...they have to go to the store and hang out with my dad because they both have Karate in the late afternoon. Maybe Papa will put them to work stocking the shelves or walking Maximus and they'll have a better day than they had today.

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