Sunday, March 1, 2009

Whirlwind weekend

Thursday I was home sick. So much so that I couldn't log into work. Body aches, chills, slight fever, congestion. It was crazy because the weekend prior I had the same thing. I think it's attributed to partial dehydration (it's been getting warmer here in the desert) and I haven't been drinking as much water as I should be.

The boys were out of school for Rodeo vacation. Jackson had Wed-Friday off while Anthony had a half day on Wednesday and all of Thursday and Friday off. We had one of Anthony's classmates come and spend the night at our house. Fortunately Tony was able to handle/play with the 3 boys while I collapsed w/Taylor in my bedroom. On Friday, I was feeling a bit better but knew I had to continue high water intake. That evening, Jackson had his karate graduation and advanced to a Yellow Belt. Saturday was Anthony's karate graduation and he advanced to a Red/brown belt. They both did great!

My uncle David was in town helping my mom and dad complete the rest of their house remodel. Saturday night after all of our errands we went out to dinner with him at Jackson's favorite restaurant "The Peanut Place" (Texas Roadhouse). Then we came home. Sunday, we woke up early and took the boys for their tennis clinics and came back to my mom's house to set up the kid's playroom. :-)

Of course I'm back to work and Daylight savings time occurs in 1 week. Usually that means that time and the rest of the year will ZIP on by for me! I'm sure that March will be just as busy if not busier for us than February. It's crazy how that happens but it seems like every weekend in March we have something going on. Where's the downtime????

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