Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cakes for Taylor

Tomorrow is Taylor's last day at Pusch Ridge Preschool & Kindergarten. It's a bit bittersweet because our family has sent at least one child there since we moved back to Tucson in 2005. I feel a sad that our time at Pusch Ridge is coming to an end. Anthony was the first of our kids to attend there in the Seahorse room and ending with Kindergarten. Jackson started in the Clownfish room, moved up to Dolphin, then Stingray and finally ending with Seahorse. Taylor started in the Starfish room, moved to Clownfish, and is now ending in the Dolphin room. Our kids learned so much and the lead teachers have remained a constant source of support and they cared a lot for our kids. Taylor will be spending the summer with me and Nana and Papa and then she will start at Immaculate Heart Preschool in the Fall. All 3 kids will now be a part of the Immaculate Heart Family and hopefully be able to have long school careers there.

Today I made 2 cakes for Taylor's class to enjoy tomorrow. Since it will be her last day there, she will be able to say her good-byes to her classmates "in style".

1 comment:

LB said...

Pretty cakes! Nice work!!!