Several events have occured since our last post. They include a trip to Legoland to celebrate Jackson's 6th birthday (albeit late), a wedding where Taylor was a flower girl, Thanksgiving, a trip to Disneyland as an early Christmas present from Nana and Papa, Hom Christmas, and soon to be Christmas and New Years.
The kids are out of school for Winter break. They love it. Me, I'm still busy running errand however I don't have to wake up as early in the morning, so that's nice. Tony, he's off from work too. He was supposed to have his nasal surgery this past Monday but when they did the pre-op work, his blood pressure was too high so they wouldn't operate. It looks like we'll be looking for him to be down and out sometime in January once his blood pressure comes down. So I'm hoping for some more sleep-in time since we won't have to leave the house much the next few days. But who knows, it's always something that needs to be done and the only time I can tend to it is before I start work which usually means an early morning wake up. Boooooooooo!
Backtrack...Jackson turned 6 in September and he really wanted to go to Legoland for his birthday. This also meant no birthday party with his friends from school. He was OK with that. So wel planned the trip right at the end of the first quarter when the kids have half days at school. We flew out to San Diego spent Friday and Saturday in Legoland and came home on Sunday. Whirlwind but we had a great time!
Then in October my cousin Courtney got married down in Puerto Villarta. Although we were unable to make it to the wedding we were able to make it to her wedding reception up in Scottsdale.
Then in November my cousin Darin got married in Scottsdale and Taylor was their flower girl. She did such a great job! Too cute too. We'll only hold it against Darin a little bit for having his wedding the same day as the UA v. Oregon game. ;-) Then came Thanksgiving. We went to my mom's house and had a great meal with the Gee side.
Now it's December. At the beginning of the month we saw The Princess and The Frog at Disney Studios in Burbank, CA. We also piggybacked and added a few days in Disneyland and California Adventures. We all had a wonderful time! Taylor also started her 3 year old soccer season this month. Her team name is The Ducks. Daddy is the coach. And we have 11 other awesome friends on our team from my Meetup Moms of Tucson. Hahaha, guess who the "recruiter" was. The kids have a big Christmas planned. We are staying in town this year and Granny, Granddad, Grandma and Aunt T.J. are coming into town. I'm working but I'm hoping it'll be a slow day. I think the kids will be happy with their loot. They already got a great start from Hom Christmas last weekend! The boys have had another Karate graduation and Anthony passed another mid-term test towards achieving his Black Belt. Jackson is now a Purple/Green belt and is about 4 full belt colors away from achieving his Black Belt. I'm sure we'll get Taylor started in March. Poor Nana, she will be living at the TaeKwonDo studio soon. ;-)
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! More pictures and updates will come next year (that's only a few weeks away...EEEEK!)
14 years ago
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