The opening ceremony was AMAZING! Of course since the opening ceremonies our TV stations have been tuned to replays of the Olympics. Little Anthony took a liking to watching Michael Phelps swim and Jackson really thought synchronized diving was cool. Taylor...she's too little but likes to cheer and caught some of the women's gymnastics prelims and would cheer when appropriate. Tony and I love watching all the action! I'm waiting for the Taekwondo competition to start next week so the boys can see the potential they can rise too. I have dreams that eventually the Gray kids can be the next Lopez family competing in Taekwondo in the Olympics. But for now, it's ALL about Michael Phelps and USA swimming in our house. Tony thinks I'm nuts but I would love for my kids to one day take such a liking to a sport and work hard enough to compete at least at the collegiate level and even better compete in a major event such as the Olympics. Hey, Michael Phelps swim coach saw his potential at age 11 and started developing him into a champion, why not start my kiddos even younger?
Here are some recent swim lesson pictures of my future Olympians ;-D

Anthony "superman" glides underwater

Jackson swimming back to steps after retrieving rings

Taylor blowing bubbles underwater
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