Thursday, September 18, 2008

My laptop is dying a slloooooooooooooowwww death!

Well I think it's official...I'm the killer of laptops. Shhhhhhhh, don't tell my Oracle counterparts. :-) My lovely 5 year old blue Toshiba Satellite laptop is on it's last leg. For the past month I've had physical memory dumps, swaps, crashes, bad reboots, etc. So last night I burned my important files off the hard drive onto cd-rom. I'm in the process of moving the pictures stored there onto the media card and then I have to work on my iTunes stuff. After that, it's time to say bye bye to my technology buddy. Granted this is the second laptop I've had in 10 years and the first one died because of the bad battery problems...yes...the laptop heated up so much it almost burned through a TV tray stand. Fortunately, it didn't catch on fire like I've seen in some pictures from the Toshiba lawsuit a few years back. I personally think it's the internal cooling fan that is going because anytime I hear it kick in to blow it also makes a grinding noise and then I get some sort of dump of memory or crash occur of all my applications.

So I guess it's time to save my money to purchase myself another laptop, especially after I get my pictures and iTunes library off of it. In addition to the new hardware and software, I'll have to get an external hard drive so I can backup all my pictures and files to it. :-) Granted I have to use for our pictures, but it's always a good idea to have another backup if you don't have the hard copies...which I don't. No money = no pictures = no up to date scrapbooks. :-( OH Well!

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