Sunday, September 7, 2008

Update on Rock Incident

Jackson is fine now. He did have a bump on the top of his head. Good thing he has a hard head! So what had happened is that there is a big play structure that the kid was on. It has a brige connecting both sides of the structure. The "kid" was on the bridge. Jackson was playing in the sand below the bridge and the kid dropped the rock down off the bridge and it landed on top of Jackson's head. It was a pretty large river rock stone and it landed to the right where Jackson's soft spot was as a baby.

So the following day, I went and talked to the aide who was monitoring daycare and went to conference with the Pre-K teacher. The aide didn't see the incident occur but did tell the "kid's" mother about what happened. The teacher did speak with the "kid" after Pre-K as the kids were being let out to go home HOWEVER, not once did this "kid" apologize to Jackson.

I had to ask what their aggression tolerance was in the classroom due to what I saw the day prior on the recess playground and what had happened with the rock. The teacher said that right now it's a LOT of verbal reminders. Most children in that classroom have not been away from their parents or with other children in Daycare or Preschool so they don't know their boundries with one another yet. Then as we progress into the school year, it's verbal warning, followed by 5-10 minutes sit out time at recess, then full sit out time at recess, then note home to parent, then conference with parent and then finally to the Principal of the school if behavior doesn't change.

So what have we learned here...
1. That talking to the teacher does help...some.
2. That this "kid" can be mean and not have to apologize for his actions.
3. That Jackson has the hardest head in the world...although I already knew this. :-)
4. That this "kid" is on my radar and I will be doing morning recess monitoring A LOT to show my presence so this "kid" knows better than to mess with my son again.
5. That the teachers have been alerted to this "kid's" bad behavior.
6. That Jackson has learned a lesson about who to play with and who to avoid on the playground.

Tomorrow starts a new week, hopefully things will perk up and this will be the last incident for the remainder of this semester!

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