Sunday, November 9, 2008

Home Improvements

Small ones, but they will make a difference. After 2 years of living in this house we finally purchased programmable thermostats. They little boys helped the big boy install the one for the main part of the house. They still have the master bedroom side to do but they can wait on that one for a few more days. The new thermostat will keep us from having to manually increase or decrease the temp in the house when we leave or come home. Hahaha, allows us to be about 30 seconds lazier.

We also got our 3 trees that we ordered through the Trico Electric tree program. OK, they are "bush trees" but nonetheless will grow up to be trees...hopefully! Cousins Eric and Christopher helped pick them up and cart them and plant them at our house. So on the South side of our house are our 3 bush trees. Fortunately they are low to the ground because the wind is blowing like CRAZY today. They were so small that we didn't bother to stake them. Thus far it's late afternoon and they seem to be holding up nicely. Today Tony and I purchased mulch for them but due to the wind will wait a little bit before adding it to the tree burm. Hopefully the wind will die down in a few hours and we can get out there and cover the ground before it gets too cold outside.

Now the next thing to work on is clearing out the garage and getting the house to a full decluttered state. Of course there will always be yard work/landscaping and any necessary cleaning that needs to be done...dishes, laundry, vacuuming, dusting, picking up, etc. But I'm hoping that we'll get the rest of the clutter finally put away by the middle of next year. hee hee.

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