Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tomorrow, I will be older but am I wiser????

Tomorrow I turn 33. Wow. 33...what an age. Are there any major milestones...no, not necessarily. But the numbers are pretty cool. I will be 33, I have 3 kids, I have moved 3 times in my life and I have owned 3 cars.

I know I am older but am I wiser. Maybe...I have more patience, I can think faster on my feet when given a challenge and I think I finally have part of my life figured out. A VERY SMALL part of my life but nonetheless, I have it figured out.

What is wisdom anyway? According to Dictionary.com Wisdom means:
1. the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.
2. scholarly knowledge or learning: the wisdom of the schools.
3. wise sayings or teachings; precepts.
4. a wise act or saying.
5. (initial capital letter) Douay Bible. Wisdom of Solomon.

Hmmmm, do any of those meanings even remotely fit me? You decide.

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